Printing With Light - Cyanotypes

Printmaking Department

Class Fee:

SAR 350

Supply Fee:

SAR 60

Print Room,
DAG Building, 4155 Riyadh Road, HILLS

5 hours

Type of Class:Adults Instructional
Departmental Area:Printmaking
Class Description:

Explore printing with light using light sensitive paper. This was the earliest form of photography. The first morning we will explore making prints using pre-made light sensitive paper. Then we will prepare our own large light sensitive paper to use in the second session the following day. 

To register for this class: Please Become a Member and then Login to the DAG Member Portal.

Day / Date Time Age Group Spaces Register By Pay By
Nov 10, 11 2024 to Nov 11, 2024 8:30 am to 11:00 am Adults 5 Anytime Anytime